Dad Workshop
Helping dads become the father they aspire to be
In collaboration with

Hold My Beer Baby!
A supportive gathering for dads-to-be and dads-that-are to help build confidence in their parenting journey.
2 hour session from 7-9pm.
Price includes beers and Dough Bros pizzas.
Hosted by our Dad Workshop partner Baumhaus, Wan Chai.
Practical skills taught by Dr. Michelle Ng
Discussions facilitated by Hugo Busbridge & a guest dad.
Max capacity: 8 dads
"Love the opportunity that this sessions gives by bringing new dads together in a really informal setting. Very informative yet natural conversations and a good chance to connect with people going through the same exciting parts of their lives." B.S.
Our new and informal workshop offers dads-to-be and new dads a relaxed, practical, positive and BS-free space in which they can listen to dads-that-are and feel confident to ask no-off-limits questions to.
Our mission is to empower dads to feel confident and to help them understand what their role is and what kind of a father they want to be. Each session will feature a 'guest dad' who will be open to any questions participants might have.
The session is loosely structured and is broken down into sections focusing on different aspects of being a dad, reflecting on your own experiences and be a shining a light to guide and support your journey into fatherhood.
Part 1 is practical dad skills with Dr. Michelle Ng:
learning how to hold, feed, change and bond with baby.
advice on baby carriers, strollers and car seats.
Part 2, with Hugo covers:
why fathers are important and what kind of father do you want to be?
impact on relationships (partner/work/friends)
Q&A session – an opportunity to ask us any questions about birth and the early weeks with a newborn.